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- Document8
- Type...
- Media Release 4
- Program 2
- Bulletin 1
- Date...
- 2009 2
- 1982 1
- 1992 1
- Spring 2006 1
- Subjects...
- Kathleen (Kathie) Collins, OAM 8
- Blacktown Relay for Life 2
- "Cities" Marathon Gala Athletic Carnival, 1982 1
- 2SM Parachute Team 1
- Ali Kadhim 1
- Andrew Murtha 1
- Anoush Ardelan 1
- Anthony John (Tony) Bleasdale, OAM 1
- Australian Club Championships, 1993 1
- Bidwill Public School, Bidwill 1
- Bidwill Reserve, Bidwill 1
- Blacktown City Athletic Organisation 1
- Blacktown City Centenary Games, 2006 1
- Blacktown City Council 1
- Blacktown City Sports Council 1
- Blacktown Olympic Park, Rooty Hill 1
- Bradley Warren Bunting 1
- Chifley College, Bidwill Campus 1
- Cumberland Nepean Softball Association 1
- Danielle Bijen 1
- Discover Blacktown City Visitor Guide 1
- Edmond Atalla 1
- Edna Nash Softball Diamond 1
- Engineering Department Report, No 152 1
- Francis Park, Blacktown 1
- International Peace Park, Seven Hills 1
- James (Jim) Anderson 1
- Jye Wallace 1
- Keeley Devery 1
- Kokoda Trek 1
- Laujine Yasmin 1
- Long Tan Reserve, Bidwill 1
- Louise Camilleri 1
- Malakye Wallace 1
- Max Webber Library, Blacktown 1
- Parkour 1
- Persian Language Collection 1
- Reserve 487, Bidwill 1
- Reserve 72, Seven Hills 1
- Sandakan Death March Trek, 2009 1
- Sayd Sarshar 1
- Softball Fields, Seven Hills 1
- Sportsperson of the Year 1991/1992 1
- Sustainability Street 1
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- Type...
- Photograph140
- Subjects...
- Kathleen (Kathie) Collins, OAM 140
- Alan Pendleton, OAM 47
- Stephen Louis Bali 26
- Blacktown City Fun Run, 2011 22
- Julie Griffiths, AM 22
- Charles (Charlie) Lowles, OAM 15
- Anthony John (Tony) Bleasdale OAM 13
- Official openings and ceremonies 12
- Leo Henry John Kelly, OAM 11
- Allan Victor Green 9
- Blacktown City Fun Run, 2003 9
- James (Jim) Anderson 9
- Barbara Morea Gapps 7
- Max Webber Library, Blacktown 7
- Moninder Singh 7
- Andrea Ward 6
- Blacktown City Council officials 6
- International Women's Day, 2011 6
- Linda Santos 6
- Ronald James Alder 6
- Susai Benjamin, OAM 6
- Blacktown City Council Ward 3 5
- Edmond Atalla 5
- Kevin Gillies 5
- Leonard (Len) Robinson 5
- Russell (Russ) Keith Dickens, OAM 5
- Blacktown City Fun Run, 2005 4
- Carol Israel 4
- Library events and activities 4
- Stephen Bali 4
- Blacktown City Council Councillors 3
- Blacktown City Garden Competition, 2017 3
- Blacktown City Sportsperson of the Month 3
- Blacktown Olympic Park, Rooty Hill 3
- Frederick Brillo 3
- Fun runs 3
- Jacqueline Donaldson 3
- Leo Kelly 3
- Michelle Anne Rowland, MP 3
- Peter Bales 3
- Ron Moore 3
- 204 Rooty Hill Road South, Rooty Hill 2
- Allan Francis Shearan 2
- Allan Green 2
- Australia Day Awards, 2007 2
- Belinda Brennan 2
- Blacktown Aquatic Centre, Blacktown 2
- Blacktown City Council Depot, Rooty Hill 2
- Blacktown City Garden Competition, 2016 2
- Blacktown Showground Precinct, Blacktown 2
- Blacktown Solar City 2
- Blak Douglas 2
- Carol Horne 2
- Chris Quilkey 2
- Dennis Johnson Library, Stanhope Gardens 2
- Geoff Gerard 2
- George Nicolaidis, OAM 2
- Ian Goldsmith 2
- Jaymes Manuel Diaz 2
- Jess Diaz 2
- John Allen 2
- John Fred Newnham 2
- John Horne 2
- Kieren Perkins 2
- Lauren Farry 2
- Leonie Hanley 2
- Marie Bashir AC 2
- Maxwell Webber 2
- Mayor Leo Kelly 2
- Medal of the Order of Australia (OAM) 2
- Michelle Anne Rowland 2
- Nick Tyrell 2
- Peter McAlister 2
- Rooty Hill Bush Fire Brigade, Eastern Creek 2
- Tony Hanley 2
- Toss Webber 2
- Uncle Danny Eastwood 2
- Vietnamese collection launch 2
- Warrick Lane Precinct, Blacktown 2
- "The Dismissal", Art Exhibition, 2004 1
- 32 Birdwood Avenue, Doonside 1
- Aboriginal Heritage Garden, Nurragingy Reserve, Doonside 1
- Angela Van Dyke 1
- Angelina Castellano 1
- Aunty Marie Melito Russell 1
- Aunty Sandra Lee 1
- Australia Day Awards, 2004 1
- Australian Citizenship ceremonies, 2012 1
- Barbara Gapps 1
- Barry J Robson 1
- Barry Morris 1
- Bernadette Agyepong 1
- Beryl Luck 1
- Blacktown Cities Marathon, 1981 1
- Blacktown Cities Marathon, 1995 1
- Blacktown City Art Prize, 2011 1
- Blacktown City Community Event of the Year, 2007 1
- Blacktown City Council Garden Competition, 2004 1
- Blacktown City Council Garden Competition, 2006 1
- Blacktown City Council Pan Pacific Accreditation, 2018 1
- Blacktown City Garden Competition, 2005 1
- Blacktown City Mayoral History Prize entry, 2018 1
- Blacktown City Mayoral History Prize, 2018 1
- Blacktown City Mayoral History Prize, 2020 1
- Blacktown City Sportsperson of the Year 1
- Blacktown Ring Road 1
- Bloomerang garden mix 1
- Bradley Warren Bunting 1
- Butts Out Campaign 1
- Caroline Valenzuela Israel 1
- Castlebrook Memorial Gardens, Rouse Hill 1
- Christopher John Quilkey 1
- Cnr Flushcombe Road and Alpha Street, Blacktown 1
- Colin Attwood 1
- Colin Atwood 1
- Commemorative ceremonies 1
- Community Leadership Program 1
- Daniel (Danny) Mackin 1
- Danny Mackin 1
- David Bamford OAM 1
- David Poole 1
- Dianne Cook 1
- Dick Simpson 1
- Doonside Neighbourhood Centre, Doonside 1
- Duncan McCrae 1
- Early Days Art Exhibition 1
- Echoes of Blacktown exhibition, 2009 1
- Ed Husic, MP 1
- Edward Gough Whitlam 1
- Eileen Day 1
- Elizabeth (Betty) Malthus 1
- Fortunato Vella 1
- George Bilic 1
- George Coward 1
- Greg Combet, AM 1
- Harinder Kaur OAM 1
- Heather Goldsmith 1
- Ian Reynolds 1
- Insulco, Rooty Hill 1
- International Women's Day, 2018 1
- International Women's Day, 2024 1
- Ishnoor Boparai 1
- Jamie Eastwood 1
- Jenny Johnson 1
- Jim Anderson Grandstand 1
- Joe McAleer Reserve, Glendenning 1
- John James Aquilina 1
- John Robertson 1
- Joseph Bartolo 1
- Joseph Thompson 1
- Karen Tyler 1
- Karoly (Charlie) Bali 1
- Kathleen Anderson 1
- Kenneth (Ken) Freeman OAM 1
- Kushpinder Kaur 1
- Leighton Farrell 1
- Les Tod 1
- Library staff 1
- Louise Markus, MP 1
- Main Street, Blacktown 1
- Marjory Freeman 1
- Max Webber Library 1
- Meegan Brotherton 1
- Michael McGill 1
- National Sorry Day, 2011 1
- Nellie Dargan 1
- Nicole Castillo 1
- Noeleen Alchin 1
- Panayoitis Diamadis 1
- Paul Waterman 1
- Pete Beacroft 1
- Peter Paul Camilleri 1
- Rita Vella 1
- Robert (Bob) Fitzgerald, OAM 1
- Robert Baillie 1
- Ronald Alder 1
- Rooty Hill Skate Park, Rooty Hill 1
- Sandra Jane Lee 1
- Station Street, Rooty Hill 1
- Stefen Murthen 1
- Stephanie Lorenzo 1
- Superintendent Gary Merryweather 1
- Terry McCormack 1
- The Battle of Vinegar Hill Memorial 1
- Thomas Keneally 1
- Tony Kelly 1
- Vo Minh Cuong 1
- Yixin Su 1
- Zara Tai 1
Show More - Date...
- 24/05/2011 21
- 1994 15
- 2003 9
- 2011 7
- 19/08/1993 4
- 2005 4
- 20/10/2017 3
- 5/6/2005 3
- c2002 3
- 01/09/2012 2
- 03/09/2018 2
- 04/05/2011 2
- 07/02/2010 2
- 11/02/1993 2
- 17/11/2006 2
- 18/02/1994 2
- 20/06/2021 2
- 21/10/2016 2
- 22/03/1992 2
- 26/01/2007 2
- 27/08/1994 2
- 27/10/2005 2
- 7/8/2009 2
- 05/03/2006 1
- 08/03/2024 1
- 08/11/2004 1
- 09/09/2020 1
- 1/11/1981 1
- 10/12/1994 1
- 11/12/2004 1
- 13/12/2003 1
- 18/11/2003 1
- 19/08/1984 1
- 19/11/2019 1
- 1983 1
- 1992 1
- 1993 1
- 1999 - 2004 1
- 2004 1
- 2017 1
- 2018 1
- 2020 1
- 2022 1
- 22/05/2011 1
- 24/02/1994 1
- 25/06/1995 1
- 26/01/2004 1
- 26/01/2012 1
- 26/05/2011 1
- 27/03/2018 1
- 30/07/2004 1
- 31/10/2005 1
- c1991 1
- c1993 1
- c1994 1
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- Subjects...
- Video2
- Year...
- Subjects...
- Julie Griffiths, AM 2
- Kathleen (Kathie) Collins, OAM 2
- "Balance for Better" 1
- Anyier Youl 1
- Blacktown Area Community Services, Blacktown 1
- Blacktown Woman of the Year, 2018 1
- Carol Israel 1
- International Women's Day 2019 1
- International Women's Day, 2021 1
- Jacqueline Donaldson 1
- Linda Santos 1
- Marti Fletcher 1
- Michelle Rowland 1
- Nafiye Mind 1
- Salt Women's Shed 1
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