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- Letter 18
- Journal 11
- Rental Agreement 10
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- Financial Records 4
- Official Opening 3
- Annual report 2
- Land Sale 1
- Mayoral History Prize 1
- Minutes 1
- Newsletter 1
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- 1984 3
- 17/02/1994 1
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Show More - Subjects...
- James (Jim) Simpson 63
- Blacktown and District Historical Society 12
- Jack Brook 9
- Francis Park & Recreation Ground Management Committee, Blacktown 6
- Jeanette (Jan) French 5
- Arthur Leonard Francis 4
- Blacktown and District Agricultural Society 4
- Dennis Cox 4
- Francis Park, Blacktown 4
- Kevin Moore 4
- Anita Terkildsen 3
- John Lawson 3
- Lyn Tod 3
- A Memoir of the Moon Family (article) 2
- Alice Mary Lovegrove 2
- Anna Learmonth 2
- Annemarie Kiernicki 2
- Archibald Family 2
- Beryl Luck 2
- Blacktown Commemorative Post Mark 2
- Blacktown Estate, Blacktown 2
- Blacktown Rugby League Football Club 2
- Blacktown School of Arts, Blacktown 2
- Brian Powyer 2
- Dave Black 2
- David Guilfoyle 2
- Dick France 2
- Harry Timmins 2
- Henry Harvey 2
- Jim Kohen 2
- John Macarthur 2
- John Moon 2
- Joseph Hicks 2
- Ken Charlton 2
- Ken Hicks 2
- Kildare House, Blacktown 2
- Les Gapps 2
- Lot 302 (near Marcel Crescent), Blacktown 2
- Lot 303 (near Marcel Crescent), Blacktown 2
- Real Estate Agents, Blacktown 2
- Resumption of Land, Blacktown Hospital 2
- Ted Powell 2
- Thomas McCoy 2
- Win Lalor 2
- "Bootie" Edwards 1
- "The Glen", Leabons Lane, Blacktown 1
- 11 Patrick Street, Blacktown 1
- 222 Richmond Road, Blacktown 1
- 44 Flushcombe Road, Blacktown 1
- 50 Aurelia Street, Toongabbie 1
- 54/5925 1
- 601 Sunnyholt Road, Glenwood 1
- 601 Sunnyholt Road, Parklea 1
- 62 Flushcombe Road, Blacktown 1
- 78 Flushcombe Road, Blacktown 1
- A Haberfield 1
- A Hannah 1
- A J Greenway 1
- A Sort of Immortality (article) 1
- A Study of Clydesdale, Par II. The Great Flood of '67 1
- A Timeline of the Lives of the Two John Vardy's (article) 1
- A Wellard 1
- Agnes Neeves 1
- Albert Gribble 1
- Albert Hotel, Blacktown 1
- Albert John Geddis Garth 1
- Albert Leonard Francis 1
- Albert Wall 1
- Alex Greenaway 1
- Alexander Bradley 1
- Alexander James Greenaway 1
- Alf Baker 1
- Alfred Walker 1
- Alice Bere 1
- Alice May Leabon 1
- Alick Nicholson 1
- Allen Filmer 1
- Alwyn Adam Thomson Pringle 1
- An Episode in Bungaribee History (article) 1
- An Expedition to Joadja (article) 1
- Andy Pike 1
- Andy Pike (barber) Blacktown 1
- Andy and Abe Savage 1
- Ann Hughes 1
- Anthony Hordern & Sons 1
- Appointment as a Justice of the Peace, 1932 1
- Are We Real, or Just Myths and Legends? (article) 1
- Arthur Francis 1
- Arthur John Paine 1
- Arthur Leonard Frances 1873-1948 (article) 1
- Arthur Sing 1
- Aston Simpson 1
- August Holidays (article) 1
- Australian Air League Squadron, Blacktown 1
- Australian Bank of Commerce, Blacktown 1
- Australian Bicentenary celebrations 1
- Australian Medical Association 1
- Aventino Testa 1
- B Carr 1
- Back to Blacktown Week, 1934 1
- Background to Wild Notes from the Lyre of a Native Minstrel (article) 1
- Bakers, Blacktown 1
- Band Hall Club, Blacktown 1
- Bank of New South Wales, Blacktown 1
- Banking, Blacktown 1
- Banks, Blacktown 1
- Barbara Moore 1
- Barbers, Blacktown 1
- Barnes 1
- Barney Gallen 1
- Benjamin Boyd 1
- Bert Lovegrove 1
- Bert Pullen 1
- Bert Townsend 1
- Bert Watts 1
- Bertie Merrit Wearne 1
- Betty Malthus 1
- Bill Bownes 1
- Bill Bradley 1
- Bill Bull 1
- Bill Francis 1
- Bill Kitchener 1
- Bill O'Halloran 1
- Bill Ryan 1
- Bill Storey 1
- Bill Young 1
- Blacksmiths, Blacktown 1
- Blacktown Arts and Craft Group 1
- Blacktown Bowling Club, Blacktown 1
- Blacktown Bowling and Recreation Club, Blacktown 1
- Blacktown Brick Plant Official Opening, 1972 1
- Blacktown Businesses and Personalities (article) 1
- Blacktown City Centre Foundation Stone, 1961 1
- Blacktown City Mayoral History Prize winner, 2021 1
- Blacktown City Register of Significant Trees 1
- Blacktown Civic Centre official opening, 1962 1
- Blacktown Civic Centre, Blacktown 1
- Blacktown Council Chambers (article) 1
- Blacktown Estate (Billy Goat Hill) 1
- Blacktown Fire Station, Austral Street, Blacktown 1
- Blacktown Fire Station, Hereward Highway, Blacktown 1
- Blacktown Fire Station, Richmond Road, Blacktown 1
- Blacktown Municipal Council 1
- Blacktown Mutual Improvement Institute, Blacktown 1
- Blacktown Native Institution, Plumpton 1
- Blacktown Parcels office 1
- Blacktown Poultry Farmers' Co-operative 1
- Blacktown Railway Station, Blacktown 1
- Blacktown Shire Council Aldermen 1
- Blacktown Shire Patriotic Carnival, 1944 1
- Blacktown Shire Patriotic Fund Carnival Committee 1
- Blacktown Shire Presidents 1
- Blacktown Show, Blacktown 1
- Blacktown Showground, Blacktown 1
- Blacktown Subdivisions 1
- Blacktown Telephone Exchange, Blacktown 1
- Blacktown Telephone Numbers 1
- Blacktown and District Historical Society Heritage Prize 1
- Blacktown and District Historical Society Saxon-Towner Prize 1
- Blacktown's Mysterious Icon (article) 1
- Blue Chequers 1
- Bob Bensley 1
- Bob Schofield 1
- Bob Shand 1
- Boot Repairs, Blacktown 1
- Boris Lukursky 1
- Born in the Nineties (article) 1
- Bound for Stingray Bay (article) 1
- Bowman Family 1
- Brick Kiln, Prospect 1
- Brick Works Paddock, Blacktown 1
- Brickworks, Blacktown 1
- Browns Vineyard, Quakers Hill 1
- Bruce Crawford 1
- Bruce Filmer 1
- Bruce Street, Blacktown 1
- Bungarribee Cricket Club 1
- Bungarribee Estate 1
- Bungarribee to Bong Bong and Back (article) 1
- Burr Family 1
- Butcher Brothers 1
- Butchers, Blacktown 1
- C Fraser 1
- C K Gallen 1
- Capitol Theatre, Haymarket 1
- Catholic School, Prospect 1
- Celebration of a Nation - What Nation? (article) 1
- Charles Griffiths 1
- Charles Haysom 1
- Charles Sykes 1
- Charles Tompson Junior, 1807-1883 1
- Charlie Briggs 1
- Chemists, Blacktown 1
- Christ Church Anglican Church, Blacktown 1
- Church School Property, Seven Hills 1
- Church and School Estate, Prospect (map) 1
- Claire Pfoeffer 1
- Claude Davis (general store), Seven Hills 1
- Claus Witt 1
- Clifton Street, Blacktown 1
- Clydesdale Estate, Marsden Park 1
- Coleman, Sunnyholt Road, Blacktown 1
- Colin Gale 1
- Colonel A Lucas, Seven Hills 1
- Commonwealth Bank, Blacktown 1
- Commonwealth Wool and Produce Company Limited 1
- Comparisons, 1840s-1930s (article) 1
- Crawford family 1
- Cricketers Arms Road, Blacktown 1
- Cumberland Agricultural Societies Group 1
- Cumberland Group and Western District Exhibit 1
- D MacKenzie 1
- DP6796 1
- Dave Shaw 1
- David Black 1
- David Lane, Blacktown 1
- David Macfadyen 1
- David Sydney (Sid) Pye 1
- David Watt 1
- Dedication Christ Church Anglican Church, Blacktown 1
- Dennis Deegan 1
- Dentists, Blacktown 1
- Devonia Francis 1
- Dialling History (article) 1
- Dick Beacroft 1
- Dictionary of the Dharug Language 1
- Doctor John Steele 1
- Doctors, Blacktown 1
- Donation of Aircraft Propeller 1
- Doonside at the Time of WW1 (article) 1
- Doug Moore 1
- Douglas Road, Blacktown 1
- Down to the Sea with BDHS (article) 1
- Dr Charles McVean 1
- Dr Francesca MacKenzie 1
- Dr G H Bennett 1
- Dr John Donnellan 1
- Dr John MacKenzie 1
- Dr Peter Donnellan 1
- Drapery Store, Doonside 1
- Drew Moffatt 1
- Duggan's Farm Estate, Quakers Hill 1
- E Bennett 1
- E Burr (carrier and taxi driver) 1
- E Hilier (builder) 1
- E J Herme 1
- Early Doonside - by Robert Crawford's Granddaughter (article) 1
- Edith Brown 1
- Edith Crawford 1
- Edith Harrop 1
- Edmonds (carrier) 1
- Edward (Ted) Pean (milkman) 1
- Edward Betts 1
- Edward Francis Cooney 1
- Ellen Leabon 1
- Emily Hanna 1
- Emily Isabel Murray 1
- Empire Day Celebrations 1
- Epping Forest, Plumpton 1
- Eric Andersons, Blacktown 1
- Eric Harvey 1
- Eric Smith 1
- Eric Wooton 1
- Ern Fricker's Shoe Store (advertisement 1
- Ernest Frank Clift 1
- Ernie Burr 1
- Ernie Crome 1
- Ernie Fricker 1
- Extraordinary Meteorological Phenomena (article) 1
- F Melano 1
- F Watts 1
- F Wells 1
- Fenton (general carrier) 1
- Floods, 1867 1
- Flushcombe Estate 1
- Flushcombe Road, Blacktown 1
- Flushcombe Turrets, Blacktown 1
- Fox Under the Hill Inn, Prospect 1
- France and Charlton 1
- Francis Thadeus Bender 1
- Frank George (carter and later bread delivery cart) 1
- Frank Lowy, AM 1
- Frank Raglus 1
- Frank Voysey 1
- Fred Miller 1
- Fricker's Shoe Store, Blacktown 1
- Fricker's Shoe Store 1
- G Hardman 1
- G Harkins 1
- G Kubbere 1
- G T Blanning 1
- G T Booth 1
- Gail Meagher 1
- Garages, Blacktown 1
- Garrett Barry 1
- General Stores, Blacktown 1
- Geoff Driver 1
- Geoff Turner 1
- George Alexander Dryden 1
- George Baker 1
- George Barry 1
- George Best 1
- George Hudson and Sons (ready cut homes) 1
- George Nicolaidis 1
- George Nixon Stewart 1
- George O'Malley 1
- George Pond 1
- George Sholl 1
- George Thornley 1
- George Watts 1
- Geraldine Moylan 1
- Gerard Harkins 1
- Gerard Imer 1
- Girraween Park Committee, Girraween 1
- Glendenning Butchers, Rooty Hill 1
- Going to the Drive-In (article) 1
- Gordon Crawford 1
- Gordon Davis 1
- Gordon Watts 1
- Government Savings Bank of Australia, Blacktown 1
- Governor King, Conservationist (article) 1
- Great Flood, 1867 1
- Griffiths Store and Bakery, Blacktown 1
- Group 248, RAAF 1
- Gunther Geyer 1
- Gwendoline Bowie 1
- H Bax 1
- H Box 1
- H Hebblewhite 1
- H I Freeman 1
- H V Heavener 1
- H Wall (timber getters) 1
- Hailstorms, 1795 1
- Hailstorms, 1824 1
- Hannah Morris 1
- Harold Gorick 1
- Harry Berwick 1
- Harry Sing 1
- Harry Walker 1
- Harvey Brunton 1
- Heading North - Sydney to Newcastle by Road (article) 1
- Headingley Estate, Blacktown 1
- Headingley Estate, Blacktownq 1
- Hector (from Collins' account), (article) 1
- Henry (Harry) Harvey 1
- Henry James Locke 1
- Herbert Kinder Pollack 1
- Herbs and Spices, and Australia (article) 1
- Hill End Road, Doonside 1
- Hilton Woods 1
- His Grace the Reverend Gough, Archbishop of Sydney 1
- Hollingworth's Sunnyholt Service Station (advertisement) 1
- Hope (timber getters) 1
- Horace Charles Lovegrove 1
- Horace Edward Arthur Ireland 1
- Horrie Honeysett 1
- Hotels, Blacktown 1
- How Gold Was Mined in Macquarie Street (article) 1
- Howard Charles Prance 1
- Howard West Kilvinton Mowll 1
- Hugh Crawford 1
- I Remember Quakers Hill (article) 1
- I Remember When (poem) 1
- Imperial Club, Blacktown 1
- Installation playground equipment 1
- Irene Rice 1
- J Bromfield (builder), Blacktown 1
- J Bunyan 1
- J Cameron 1
- J Ferrari 1
- J Griffith 1
- J Griffith (general store), Blacktown 1
- J Griffiths and Sons, Blacktown 1
- J Hurley (horse breeder) 1
- J McMurtrie 1
- J S Leach 1
- J Short 1
- Jack Francis 1
- Jack Hope 1
- Jack Lalor 1
- Jack Newis 1
- Jack Pennells 1
- Jack Robinson 1
- Jack Simpson 1
- Jack Smallwood 1
- Jack Timmins 1
- James Angus 1
- James Bennett (wagon builders), St Marys 1
- James Dunn 1
- James Haughton 1
- James Leabon 1
- James Manning 1
- James Manning, of the Cricketers' Arms (article) 1
- James Simpson Green 1
- James Simpson Senior 1
- Jan Bates 1
- Jane Harvey 1
- Jane Simpson (Harvey) 1
- Jean Macfayden 1
- Jennings (poultry farmer) 1
- Jerome Locke 1
- Jim Hanna 1
- Jim Jeffries 1
- Jim Moffatt 1
- Jim Noble 1
- Jim Simpson Green, Blacktown Bowling Club 1
- Jim Simpson Remembers (article) 1
- Jim Sing 1
- Jim Watson 1
- Joe Bromfield 1
- John Andrew Taylor 1
- John Carroll 1
- John Condon 1
- John Gribble 1
- John Griffiths 1
- John Henry Smith Angus 1
- John Impey 1
- John Kirk 1
- John McFaddin 1
- John Merrick 1
- John Miller 1
- John Pike 1
- John Saunders 1
- John Sharpe 1
- John Sidney (Jack) Bromfield 1
- John Tebbutt 1
- John Tebbutt, Astronomer (article) 1
- John Vardy 1
- John Walter Vick 1
- John William Francis 1
- John Wood 1
- Joseph George Tscherne 1
- Joseph Hicks Memorial Gates, Blacktown 1
- Joseph James Locke 1
- Joseph Last 1
- Joseph Walker 1
- Joy Fricker 1
- June Lal 1
- Kelburn, Doonside Road, Doonside 1
- Ken Godfrey 1
- Ken Roseby 1
- Ken Sheppard 1
- Kevin Boxall 1
- Kevin Cork 1
- Kevin Curry 1
- Kildare Estate, Blacktown 1
- Lancelot Lane, Blacktown 1
- Lancelot Street, Blacktown 1
- Lancely Brothers 1
- Larbert Maynes Estate 1
- Lawrence Baines 1
- Len Harrop 1
- Leo Tscherne 1
- Les Bromfield 1
- Les Elliot 1
- Les Tod 1
- Les Tod OAM 1
- Les Tod, OAM 1
- Leslie Collier 1
- Leslie Herbert (Les) Irwin 1
- Level Crossing, Blacktown 1
- Lieutenant William Dawes 1
- Life Membership 1
- Lily Black 1
- Lindsay Crawford 1
- Lismore Street, Blacktown 1
- Local History Collection donations 1
- Local Schools in 1916 (article) 1
- Looking Back (article) 1
- Louisa and George Brown 1
- Loyal Orange Lodge, Blacktown 1
- Lurline Green Simpson 1
- Luxford (carrier, timber handling) 1
- Lytton Estate, Blacktown 1
- M Atkinson 1
- Marayong Public School, Marayong 1
- Marcel Crescent, Blacktown 1
- Marentelli's Lane, Blacktown 1
- Marie Melinz 1
- Mariella Attard 1
- Marilyn Schofield 1
- Marmalade for the Troops (article) 1
- Marriages Made in Heaven (article) 1
- Mary Annie Fox 1
- Mary Martin 1
- Max Webber 1
- Maxwell Webber 1
- McCoy Family 1
- Memories of Blacktown - Of Bonfires and Friends (article) 1
- Messrs Tosh and Robertson (architects) 1
- Michael Schembri 1
- Mick Flynn 1
- Miller's Blacktown Hotel, Blacktown 1
- Mint Museum, Sydney 1
- Miss Edie Smith 1
- Miss Maggie Flynn 1
- Monster Stomp Night, 1964 1
- Mr Bennett 1
- Mr Bristoe 1
- Mr Hobbs 1
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- Oral History1
- Photograph3
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