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- Document8
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- 07/03/1987 1
- 1993 1
- 2006 1
- 2013 1
- 2017 1
- Mar 1988 1
- May 1982 1
- Summer 1987 1
- Subjects...
- Battle of Vinegar Hill, Rouse Hill 8
- Castlebrook Memorial Park, Rouse Hill 2
- Commemorative ceremonies 2
- Kevin Moore 2
- Official openings and ceremonies 2
- Aboriginal Sites of Significance 1
- Balgay Cannery, Plumpton 1
- Bide-a-Wee Poultry Farm, Quakers Hill 1
- Blacktown City Mayoral History Prize entry, 2013 1
- Blacktown Native Institution, Oakhurst 1
- Blacktown and District Historical Society 1
- Bonaventure Poultry Farm, Mount Druitt 1
- Charles Cornwallis 1
- Church and School Estate, Rooty Hill 1
- Early Land Grants, Prospect, 1796 1
- Farewell to the Robin Hood (article) 1
- Fitzsimmons Family Graves, Blacktown 1
- George Johnston 1
- Glendenning's Butcher Shop, Blacktown 1
- Heritage Council Plan HC452 1
- Hills District Historical Society 1
- J Longworth 1
- Jack Cartwright 1
- James (Jim) Anderson 1
- James Hadlington 1
- Jim Kohen 1
- Landscape Items and Areas of Environmental Heritage 1
- Liberty of Death - The Battle-cry of Vinegar Hill (article) 1
- Lot 1, DP226800 1
- Lot 189 and Pt Lot 190, DP201260 1
- Mayoral History Prize entry, 2017 1
- Methven Family 1
- Minegold Poultry Farm, Quakers Hill 1
- Permanent Conservation Order No 192 1
- Prospect Common, Prospect 1
- Pt Lot 1, DP558690 1
- Pt Lots 2, 3, 4, DP538858 1
- Railway Development and Blacktown between the Wars 1
- Riverstone Conservation Area 1
- Riverstone Meatworks, Riverstone 1
- Robin Hood Inn, Blacktown 1
- Rooty Hill Stock Farm Superintendent's Residence, Rooty Hill 1
- Rooty Hill Stock Farm, Rooty Hill 1
- Royal Hotel, Blacktown 1
- Second Ponds Creek, Rouse Hill 1
- Subdivision of Blacktown, 1830s 1
- The Battle of Vinegar Hill - The French Connection (article) 1
- Thematic History 1
- Thomas Shepherd 1
- Walter Giles 1
- Watkin Tench 1
- Watkin Tench - The Final Chapter (article) 1
- Whatever Became of? (article) 1
- William Maum 1
- Woodstock Fruit Cannery, Plumpton 1
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- Photograph56
- Subjects...
- Battle of Vinegar Hill, Rouse Hill 56
- The Battle of Vinegar Hill Memorial 18
- Battle of Vinegar Hill, Bicentenary 16
- Commemorative ceremonies 12
- Official openings and ceremonies 12
- Australian Bicentenary celebrations 10
- Castlebrook Memorial Park, Rouse Hill 5
- Battle of Vinegar Hill Commemoration, 1993 4
- Memorials and Plaques 4
- Pike Head 4
- Ivan Polak 3
- 106 Schofields Road, Kellyville Ridge 2
- Edward Gough Whitlam 2
- Vladimir Sitta 2
- Blacktown City Band 1
- James (Jim) Anderson 1
- Michael Corbin 1
- Paul Arundell 1
- Paul Ritchie 1
- Rosalind Ritchie 1
- Sussane Towers 1
- Vladimir Sitta 1
- Windsor Road, Rouse Hill 1
Show More - Date...
- 2004 16
- 1987 9
- 05/03/1988 6
- 5/3/1988 4
- 06/03/1993 2
- 1988 2
- 1993 2
- 5/03/1988 2
- c1987 2
- c1988 2
- c1985-1988 1
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- Poster1
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